Month: June 2021

Shark Week Coloring Contest!

🦈Shark Week Contest!
Join us in celebrating Shark Week by having your swimmer send in a shark drawing! 🖍
Whether it's real or a rainbow-unicorn shark with sprinkles, we want to see it and hear all about it! 🌈🦈

We'll post all our entries on social media, and a lucky winner from each location will have their shark featured in our August newsletter and get a copy of Shark Lady by Jess Keating! 🎉

Use our printable, or feel free to send in your child's masterpiece, whether it's sidewalk chalk, finger-paint, or crayon!

Email your entries with your child's name, Diventures location, your email and your Facebook / Instagram handles if you want us to tag your chid's drawing so you can see it!

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Shark Lady by Jess Keating