Meet Our Team in Sterling, VA

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Sarah Niles

Scuba Experience Lead

Sarah has a degree in Aerospace Engineering and recently left her engineering role to pursue her passion for diving, joining the Diventures team in May 2024. She is currently on the pathway to earning her SSI Instructor certification. Sarah earned her Open Water certification while participating in Spaceflight Operations. She continued diving and earned her PADI Advanced Open Water Diver with certifications in Enriched Air, Deep Diving, and Photography. Her underwater adventures have taken her to breathtaking locations, including Cozumel, St. Thomas, St. Lucia, and the Red Sea near El Gouna, Egypt.

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Andrew Bodyk

Independent Assistant Instructor

Andrew was certified in July 2005 in Clarksville, Tennessee while stationed at Fort Campbell with his wife, LTC Nancy Bodyk (Ret). He convinced his wife to get certified in 2008 and made scuba diving a family activity. Andrew advanced through other specialties including Deep Diver, Wreck Diver, Aquarium Diver, Enriched Air Diver, Dry Suit Diver, Search and Recovery and Under Water Hunter. He earned his Advanced Open Water certification in November 2007, Rescue Diver in July 2014 and Master Scuba Diver in September 2014. He completed the Divemaster Program in July 2015.

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Drew Smith

Independent Open Water Diver Instructor
Service Technician

Drew grew up in and around the water, snorkeling in Florida on vacation, and listening to his dad’s scuba adventures.  Drew was certified in 2004 in a local Virginia quarry, having no idea where that initial class would take him.  In preparing for a family trip to Aruba to finally do some diving with his dad & brother, Drew took his advanced open water course and hasn’t looked back since. He has since grown into an avid technical diver who loves the challenges of deep wrecks and cave diving.  He enjoys sharing his diverse knowledge of different diving equipment and configurations with those looking to expand their knowledge and skills beyond their initial certification.  Drew’s also a highly experienced equipment technician, servicing most major brands. His favorite sites to date are the wrecks off the Florida coast and in Scapa Flow, Scotland.

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Duane Gabor

Independent Open Water Diver Instructor

Duane got an early start in diving by earning his Junior Open Water certification in 1984 and hasn’t stopped diving since.  He’s currently a Master Scuba Diver Trainer and can teach divers of all levels- Open Water, Advanced, Rescue – and for countless specialties like Night, Drift, Wreck, or Boat diving.  He’s also a technical diver, as well as a cylinder inspector and gas blender at Diventures. Duane loves teaching and kinds of diving – from reefs, to wrecks, to walls – that’s why he’s been doing it for 38 years!  You might see him around the shop or on one of our trips – especially if it’s Bonaire or Grand Cayman.

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Jeff Brown

Independent Open Water Diver Instructor

Jeff was enticed by a former colleague to try scuba diving and became hooked after his first dive. He earned his Open Water certification in 1991 and dove sporadically for years. He eventually got back to diving more regularly and moved on to earn his Advanced Open Water certification, Rescue certification, Master Scuba Diver and various specialties. Jeff decided to go pro so that he could share his fascination for scuba diving with others. Jeff’s next goal is to continue to learn new specialties and to work towards an Instructor Trainer certification.

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Josh Holman

Independent Assistant Instructor

Joshua started diving career in July 2015 with the intention of being certified before attending a destination wedding in Saint Lucia. He was quickly bitten by the scuba bug and decided to continue with the sport. Joshua completed his Master Diver certification in October 2016 after completing 50 dives and 10 certifications (only 5 are required). 2017 introduced Technical Diving and the idea of moving to a professional diver by completing the Divemaster certification in November 2017. Joshua is excited to be assisting instructors who trained him with classes and further his love of diving.

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Kevin King

Independent Open Water Instructor

As early in Kevin’s life as he can remember, going to the beach and traversing the waves and sand was exhilarating and fascinating. The sea was brimming with life and full of activity. His fragile, untainted mind just absorbed every experience with wonderment and excitement. His first precious experiences were lasting ones that drew him to the ocean.

Teaching and learning have been Kevin’s passions for thirty-plus years. It has shaped who he is as a person and a professional. He’s taught just about everything from engineering principles, and research methods to baseball fundamentals. Moreover, he’s had the opportunity to coach and play collegiate and professional Baseball. In all, these endeavors have allowed him to shape young minds and influence the future of countless individuals.

Scuba Diving has been the bridge that has connected Kevin’s passion for learning and the thrill of the ocean. He’s been Scuba Diving as long as he has been teaching and has been around the world with his wife engaged in this wonderful activity. His formal training has been with PADI, SDI/TDI, and SSI. Kevin is currently an Open Water Instructor and aspires to continue training to obtain Instructor Trainer status. Until now, he’s still enthusiastic about teaching students and excited to go Scuba Diving, no matter the time or place.

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Marlene Wagner

Independent Assistant Instructor

Marlene started diving in 2014 and quickly fell in love with the sport. She worked her way up to the requirements for Divemaster and successfully completed the program in 2017. Marlene has completed 6 recreational specialties with wreck and coral restoration being her favorites. She is also a certified technical diver and working on furthering her technical diving skills.

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Nancy Bodyk

Independent Divemaster

Nancy was certified in August 2008 at Dutch Springs Quarry in Pennsylvania. She advanced through other specialties including Wreck Dive, Peak Performance Buoyancy, Under Water Hunter, Under Water Navigator, Deep Diver, Enriched Air Dive, Dry Suit Diver, Aquarium Diver and Search & Recovery. Nancy earned her Advanced Open Water in August 2008, Rescue Diver in July 2014 and Master Scuba Diver in November 2015. She completed the Dive Master Program for PADI and SDI in October 2018.

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Nathan Tanner

Customer Experience Specialist

Nathan has been diving for over 30 years and has been a pro since 2009. In the past, he was a swim coach, lifeguard, and swim instructor for 13+ years. He is from Florida where he dove all over, including the EPCOT living seas aquarium and one of his favorite dive spots is the Upper Keys. He loves teaching and answering any questions about water!

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Robert Daniels

Open Water Instructor

Robert took his Open Water certification in September 2022 and fell in love with diving immediately. He went straight into multiple specialty courses, such as Underwater Navigator, Night, Deep, and Peak Performance Buoyancy. He then gained his Advanced Open Water certification, still enjoying every second, and decided to take it seriously by getting Rescue certified. Later on, he became a Divemaster in October 2022. He started off 2023 diving strong by becoming an Open Water Scuba Instructor in April. He’s excited to help others find the beauty and peace of diving.

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Sherece Wade

Independent Open Water Instructor

Sherece has been traveling the world, exploring new dive sites in different countries each year. She has covered most of the countries in the Caribbean Sea, several throughout the Atlantic Ocean, and is now slowly making her way through the countries spread out across the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Sherece received her Open Water Scuba Instructor certification in the Philippines in 2018, has several specialty certifications, and is currently a Master Scuba Diver Trainer. She is very interested in the safety and physiological aspects of diving and is studying to become a Diver Medical Technician.

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Stephanie Cavanaugh

Social Media Marketing Strategist
Travel Coordinator and Instructor

Stephanie became enchanted with the underwater world in 1993 while snorkeling with family in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. A year later she obtained her Open Water certification in Grand Cayman and was completely hooked. Five years later, she obtained her Advanced Open Water certification in the Bahamas. After another 15+ years of diving and snorkeling all around the world, she became a Master Scuba Diver Trainer in 2013. As a self-proclaimed critter hunter and conservationist, some of her favorite aquatic experiences have included: diving with hammerhead sharks in the Caribbean and Red Seas, diving with manta rays in Hawaii and the Maldives, snorkeling with whale sharks in the Maldives, and coral restoration efforts in Florida. Stephanie also enjoys exploring scuba diving education through social media, generating creative marketing ideas, organizing conservation endeavors, and researching, planning, and coordinating scuba travel.

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