Our friends at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium put together some great at home activities that you and your kiddos can do using a few simple house items. Here are a few that you can do today!

For Pre K-5th Grade – Create your own sea star and jellyfish!

Being an aquarist is a super cool job! Important day-to-day duties include taking care of fish and aquatic animals to make sure they live in a safe and nurturing environment. Monitoring and maintaining the equipment that supports the animals is crucial to their health and well-being.

Download Create your own Sea Star PDF

For 6th-12th Grade – Scuba skills & Designing sea life exhibits!

As an aquarist, there are many tasks to maintain the health and safety of saltwater and freshwater life. Duties include testing and monitoring water quality, routine cleaning of exhibits and more. To do this job, all aquarists are required to have their scuba certification.

Download Designing Sea Life Exhibits PDF


Courtesy of Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium